Have you ever followed advice that sounded great, only to feel confused and frustrated when it didn’t get you the results you wanted? Maybe you followed the instructions of a reputable business expert to the letter, yet saw no progress in your business. Maybe you took advice from a popular relationship columnist, only to have it backfire in your relationship...
Have you ever followed advice that sounded great, only to feel confused and frustrated when it didn’t get you the results you wanted? Maybe you followed the instructions of a reputable business expert to the letter, yet saw no progress in your business. Maybe you took advice from a popular relationship columnist, only to have it backfire in your relationship.
My friend, the wisdom the world offers cannot guarantee success or breakthrough. Natural wisdom might be helpful, but it has its limitations. It doesn’t consider all the details in your situation or circumstance. And it can’t predict the future, where everything is subject to change. Proverbs 16:25 tells us that “there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”
That is why we need God’s hesed wisdom to direct us in the matters close to our hearts. Proverbs 16:1 NLT says that while we can make our own plans, it is the Lord who gives the right answer. Jesus understands your situation inside out, sees everything that lies ahead of you, and wants to give you the grace-filled wisdom you need to bring about the success or breakthrough you’re hoping for.
Beloved, don’t put your trust in natural wisdom. Put your trust in the Lord who supplies hesed wisdom. He cares about every detail of your life (see Ps. 37:23 NLT) and wants to show you the best paths to take and wisest choices to make. The more you run to Him with your challenges and seek Him for the right answers, the more you will receive His hesed wisdom that will reap good fruits!